Sunday, May 25, 2008

School holidays and creating right attitude...

Before, school holidays meant, still come to school to have our extra classes, sports training, scouting, remember Job Week? Walkaton? Maybe once in a while some of our friends went out of Miri!

And school holidays nows, relates to touring, money spent here and there. You questioned your children they will say,.."that was my era then" things changed.

Maybe it is the school management itself! Whilst some schools excels with good students others still lagged. Creativity and making sure the "products" that they are developing are robust like what we have went through before in the 60s and 70s! Maybe then, we have few distractions unlike now.

However, we can play our parts to mend the unfilled spaces in our children with our wisdom. Some of us might have forgotten our maths or science, but that is not so important, because that can be learned, what matters is the creating of a robust attitude towards education. If they have the right attitude, to learn, to walk the world, to live, then I beileve they can stand up on they on!

Question: Who will you prefer if you were the interviewer in your organization! The one who have the right skills with attitude problem or the one will less skill but with the good attitude?

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