Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lim House

Dear all,
Went through our blog. Not a bad job everyone. We need to activate more of our members to participate actively.

Where is Alex Lam? He needs to put in the menus of his cafe (Forever Cafe) that we can be on the look out for his STAR product!! Or even get the telivision host Jalan -jalan cari makan to sample the food and advertise.

Well done Alex.... Am more familiar with your chinese name...Everyone seemed to have "Nama Glamour" these days hah!!! I still remember the day when you were hit by the "discuss" (not sure the right spelling)...its was traumatizing for all of us...!!! Glad that you are alive and kicking now...Ha...ha...

Drop a line and send some pictures of you, your family and restaurants. Oh ya, I will be presenting a paper in Bangkok sometime in you have any restaurant in Bangkok?

By the way Jo, My house is LIM house. Not Danson.(Danson is Normala's house) Wonder where is she now?T rack everyone down....EVERYONE!!!

Connie and Lily, Thanks for recognizing my smile!!

Take care .
Regards, Lydia

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