Friday, April 18, 2008

Header Change

Dear All,

Thank you for your contribution. Some has asked me what SCSS 1976 stood for? I just tell them St. Columba's Secondary School of 1976. The question get me thinking. I think I have made too many of us wonders. ..I think the current header should be acceptable, unless otherwise, some members have others suggestions. Your comments please.

Thanks. Rgds joQ


Mis said...

What about class of 76?

Rgds mis

Anonymous said...

The main motive of Jo putting up this blog is actually for students who started schooling in St. Columba from Primary 1 in 1966 til Form 5 in 1976.
So wellcome anyone who joined and left the school at that time (1966-1976)

Anonymous said...

james, cant agree more!