Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Respond to Lydia's comments.......

James is our master for slimming down program! I am sure he will share with us some of his current programme. I can conqure that and validate that James Wong is much healthier than me. James tell us something.

Have you heard the proverbs " ..the kettle saying the pot is black..!" or the malay version"seperti ketam mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus"!...

Lydia, I am an obesse! Hahahahaha!

Late 2004, I managed to get myself to a record 76Kg from 90Kg; that is using clinic program, just before my haj. But, you cannot have the progamme on for the rest of your days, thus, the habits returned and now 88kg! Even lately I not allowed to donate my blood.

Ok..not a promise but I am going to tell you again my weight in a month time...remind me then!

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