Sunday, April 27, 2008

I saw these 2 faces in old photos..

..and made fullblown-out of them for easier James' eyes. always the kapitan still remembers people..One is Affendi, the other one I forget, sound like "Kiew Tiam", I think. Now others can help us in remembering names, I still have more photos to be shared..Mis, you promised some photos...and I am still waiting..


Anonymous said...

joe, sorry about the photos (will find time to retrieve them). Yes, that is Kiew Thiam, alright...... and the one with him: something in his eyes which is famililar but still cant figure out who is this friend of ours.... sorry guys: have thought hard enough but did not get me to nowhere

Anonymous said...

I know that is Effendi or Affendi but can't remember his father's name. His house is at Kampung Dagang.The last time I met him, hes was with Shell..offshore my brother before.My brother is no longer with Shell since the retrenchment period and I have no news of him since then..

blackbook said...

Joe, he is Wee Kui Tiam. He lives in the house adjacent to Mike Lo's home. He became my classmate from Pri. 1 to 6.

blackbook said...

Correction: Pri 1 to Form 3.