Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bahiki and Fraulein today sent me messages..

Hi everyone, just to inform you all that, today I received the following messages for friends..

From: Bahiki b. Tepoli, Petronas on my

Hi Joe,

How’s life? Saw your blog & I must say it’s a good set up. Jijot introduced the website tome so here I am. Wow, after all these yrs, there’s a lot of catching up to do. Good to see some of the old classmates.



From: Fraulein Angking via sms on my mobile

Hi, appreciate the website you have set up for our class. Than you. Will join in later because I am always away and without internet access.

Regards to all when you get on the site.



Anonymous said...

4-line, what are you up to now? Sure lost contact with everybody, sorry all.......Remember Nurulhuda? Her bro in the same co as mine. I seen Rediah Amaran too. Now fulltime miniter of domestic affairs with her only 2 sons (I think) in U/college.

Anonymous said...

Redian was my neighbour at LOs Cermin, kirim salam kat dia, Mis.

Anonymous said...
